Warren Ellis é acusado de ser abusador:
https://twitter.com/Theremina/status/12 ... 3454458880
Is this trauma the same as getting assaulted in a dark alley at knifepoint by a stranger? No.
Is a majority of his behavior illegal? Probably not.
Does that make it okay that he's been pulling this bloviating Come To Fart Daddy nonsense for decades bc he felt Too Big To Fail?
Stop letting powerful straight cis men control the narrative.
Stop bullying people when we come forward to challenge their shitty behavior.
Stop gaslighting us when we break down in the aftermath of being used and discarded.
Also, please, stop DMing me here.
essas duas postagens me chamam a atenção
e parece ir na mesma linha que o caso do Japinha do CPM22, mas sem envolver uma menor, mas mulheres adultas, ou seja, não há crime.
o q parece é q o Ellis provavelmente pode ter agido como uma canalha pau no cu.... mas disso pra ser chamado de abusador?
bom, aguardemos as provas